
If you are a parent of a child with dyslexia, you will want to know more about dyslexia and understand how to help your child. 
We offer full diagnostic assessments for children 

Assessments for Children 

Our assessments will result in a report which will give practical advice and make recommendations about how to support your child at home and at school. 
“I have had my 9-year-old twins assessed at the Adult Dyslexia Centre. Outstanding service from start to finish. My twins enjoyed the whole experience so much, they have asked if they can go again!” 

Understanding Dyslexia and Dyscalculia Online course for parents, carers and teachers of dyslexic children 

The course will give an understanding of dyslexia and dyscalculia, including strategies for supporting the child in their learning. 
4 sessions running on Wednesday evenings in March 2025 at 7.30pm to 9pm 
March 5th - Understanding your child with dyslexia – Dr Diana Hudson 
March 12th - Reading strategies and phonics – Donna Stevenson 
March 19th - Spelling strategies and handwriting - Louise Turner 
March 26th - Maths and dyslexia – Amanda Keen 
Delivered online, via Zoom, sessions are lively and interactive. Places are limited to facilitate participation and discussion. The session speakers are all experts. They help you understand dyslexia and dyscalculia and offer lots of support strategies. 
Read about our speakers Click Here 
Please email to register your interest for this course. 
The cost is £80 for the course. Concessions available. 
Katrina Cochrane, a trustee, talks about the course. To view short video Click here 
From a member of the last course! 
"I have really enjoyed the sessions and I thought the speakers were wonderful. Very informative for the parents, they will have been incredibly useful." 
"This course was so educational and delivered with such positivity."  
"The course was full of really useful information and it was a relief to meet other parents going through the same experience."  
“[I now] Feel much more confident in helping my son AND in speaking to the school.” 

Sign up to our newsletter below! 

“I have had my 9-year-old twins assessed at the Adult Dyslexia Centre. Outstanding service from start to finish. My twins enjoyed the whole experience so much, they have asked if they can go again!” 
If you are interested in one-to-one support for your child, contact the One to One Club run on Saturday mornings during term time.