07774 846657 


As 10% of children will have some degree of dyslexia it is important that all teachers are aware of the strategies needed to help learners with dyslexia. 


We offer assessments for children (as well as adults) and our reports will give practical advice on how to best support your learners. 
All our assessors have the Assessment Practising Certificate and hold approved qualifications. 

Dyslexia Awareness training 

Why is it important that you know about dyslexia? 10% of the population is considered to be dyslexic. 
People with Dyslexia have a different learning style which requires a different approach to conventional teaching methods. Dyslexia-friendly teaching and training methods are considered suitable and advantageous for all learners.  
At ADC we offer awareness training for teachers to meet the needs of all their learners by becoming aware of the ‘reasonable adjustments’ that can be made to enhance learning, not just for the dyslexic but also for every individual in the training session. Dyslexia may cause problems processing the written and spoken word as well as difficulties with organisation, time management and memory. These will impact on how an individual acquires learning.